Caryle Fitzsimmons, Aspire Athletics

Athlete Spotlight: Carlye Fitzsimmons Aspire Athletics, Wallingford Gym for Powerlifting

Name: Carlye Fitzsimmons

Sport: Bodybuilding

Gym: Aspire Athletics

Achievements: Took 2nd place at the Artic Muscle NPC competition, Bikini Class A

Best Lifts: I love working shoulders! My best lift is a general shoulder press using either a barbell or dumbbells.

How did you get started?
About a year ago, I signed up for a 12 week fitness challenge that my coach was putting on. The very first time I went into the gym to meet Julia in person she called me out – she said, “you NEED to compete; your body is built for it!” It took me another 6 months before I decided to commit to doing a competition, but I am so happy I did!

What does your training look like?
I lift 6 days a week, with a big focus on working my legs and glutes. In addition to heavy lifting, I also try and fit in 5-6 days a week of 20-30 minute HIIT cardio.

What does your diet look like?
I eat clean 99% of the time. My diet primarily consists of lean proteins, complex carbs, healthy fat sources, and vegetables. And while I’ve come to actually really enjoy eating healthy foods, I do also love my sweets (hence the 1%).

Do you have any upcoming goals or competitions?
My biggest goal right now is to work on building more muscle mass in my legs and my glutes!

Favorite Movie/TV show?
Gosh, I am one of those random people that don’t watch a lot of TV (or movies), but when I do occasionally turn the TV on its typically on HGTV. I enjoy both House Hunters and Fixer Upper.

If you could trade places with anyone on earth for 24 hours, who would it be and why?
I think I’d like to trade places with my little cousin Jaxon; he’s 3. I swear I can watch him for hours and smile the whole time. He is so full of joy and wonder. What I wouldn’t give some days to go back to a time where you didn’t know what “stress” was, and all your responsibilities included: eating, sleeping, playing, and being loved on. That sounds like the good life to me. 

Favorite “cheat” meal?
Yum, cheat meals. I would say either a great, big, juicy burger with fries, or Mexican food – chips and salsa is my jam.

Who do you look up to?
My mom. She is one of the hardest working, loyal and truly loving individuals that I know. She taught me to be a grateful, strong woman – just like her.

What 3 things would you take with you on a desert island?
Food and water (obvi) and a music source – I would go insane without music!

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Whats the best way to follow you?
Follow me on Instagram – @Carlyemo83